photo by @btsephoto (IG)


video games / art / cosplay / memesFFXIV: Rinkara Amiara @ Balmung / Neil Watts @ Adamantoise
IDOLiSH7 : 613913804
my AFTERL!FE video archive
photo credit: BTSEphoto

about / BYF

I'm old (30+) how do you do, fellow kids
I don't really post any wild stuff but don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. I also won't follow minors, nothing personal
I mostly talk about video games (especially RPGs), joseimuke series, like one new anime per year, random life stuff, art, cosplay, and in between all that probably a lot of cursed memes. you may also know me as the annoying yamayuki person. I regret to inform you I will not stopFUB free I may not follow back but please feel free to talk to me anyway, I'm just a weenie. I mute/block for self defense, it's probably not personal. feel free to do the same if my posts bother you.